Plain Sailing?? Christchurch to Rakaia - 50km

We left our cosy unit in Hornby at 7.30am. Fine weather and a slight westerly to start. 

We were looking forward to coasting along the flat Canterbury Plains, when, a few kms out of Hornby, the road became an expressway! No Cycling!
After many stops and checks on Google Maps, we found our way to Rolleston township and back on to the highway.

By now the West wind had become quite strong and at times made cycling a straight line difficult. Windage from big trucks and trailers passing in both directions added to the difficulty.
We worked hard controlling the bikes all the way to Rakaia. No coasting for us today!
To get to Rakaia we had to cross the famous Rakaia Bridge - all 1.75kms  of it!
Del and I pedalled like fury! Cars and trucks patiently crawled behind us until it was safe to pass!
Had planned to cycle to Ashburton today, but decided that the wind was too much of a risk.

Luckily the Rakaia Holiday Park was just the other side of the bridge.

We took a wee cabin there. Lovely facilities and a few food items available.
We unpacked then walked into town for lunch and something for dinner from the local 4 Square.
Rakaia is famous for its salmon fishing. 
It seems quite quiet today but at the end of the month around 800 people are expected to invade this little town for the annual salmon fishing competition!
Enjoying the peacefulness of the camp in the meantime.


  1. A short ride, but hard work. Long bridge, small river (at the moment, I bet), and no room for cycles - not pleasant.

    1. You're right Harry. The river was small. I wonder where all the salmon are that the competition hopefuls are about to fish for!

  2. We’re enjoying your blogs Cindy. What a great story teller you are! Here’s hoping the wind is at your backs for the remainder of your journey.

    1. Did 105kms today, Janet, and feeling a bit limp! Glad you are enjoying my blogs. Hope all is well with you.
      Love that tail wind!


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