What a Cycle Path! Kaiapoi to Christchurch - 30kms

The Riverland Holiday Park, where we spent last night, is adjacent to the Riverland Golf Club and seems to cater for groups of visiting golfers. Great facilities - motel units, cabins and camping areas.
Yesterday we encountered a new, tarsealed cycle way into Kaiapoi. Today we found the continuation of it, just a kilometre from the holiday park.
A group of well endowed bulls watched us as we left and we passed one of the large irrigation systems that keep this area so green.
The many arches span the entire length of the field.

We quickly found the cycle track. 
Wow! It is tar sealed, wide and runs beside the motorway, protected from it by a sturdy, iron fence. Apparently it takes the rider all the way to the city centre!
We were enjoying it so much that we missed the turn off to Hornby! After many checks of the Google map, we left the cycle lane and cut across to the west of the city to our motel in Hornby for the next few days.
Our conclusion is that Christchurch is the most cycle friendly city we've ever ridden through!

At Denton Park Motel we have a comfortable, modern, ground floor unit.Our friendly hosts, Cheryl and Jeff, allowed us to leave the bikes in their garage and the trailers have been wheeled inside the unit.
The Hornby Hub shopping centre is 5 minutes walk away. We spent the afternoon investigating all the shops and buying essentials. 
The bus to the city is also 5 minutes away - free with our Gold Card - so can't wait to investigate the city tomorrow!


  1. Yay, you made it! Rest up and enjoy Christchurch! x

  2. Oh that is brilliant. So enjoying your blogs. xx

  3. Nice! What a welcomed find too we bet. Looks like a great track and flat, yeehaa. Looking good guys. Enjoy your rest time. J&J

    1. Will do. Hope all going well at your end, too, Jules. Xx

  4. Well that was an interesting diversion. Intrigued by the mention of “Redzones” on Google maps and realise That the Christchurch Quake was ten years ago this month. Innovative, no-nonsense and pragmatic solution to liquefaction of the ground. Is that the Kiwi way of dealing with issues - guns, Covid, etc (not a political partisan comment).

    1. Pretty much, Harry. The typical kiwi is proud of his/her "number 8 wire" mentality. ie find a sensible, practical solution.

    2. Thanks Cindy, Wiki is filling in the blanks. A philosophy I like, and unbeknowingly use!

  5. Using your blog to say hello! to Simon and Julie, your Cousin Harry in the UK here. Enjoying your parent’s expedition, aren’t they just a magnificent couple? I’m proud of them, let alone you!

    1. Hi Harry, nice to meet you online! Yes, very proud of ma & pa, they are indeed an inspiration. My eldest is a Harry too! Stay safe from Storm Darcy, wrap up warm. Julie

    2. And you! Pass on my regards to Jel, Harry and your other two (?). I was christened Harry as my Mother reckoned you couldn't shorten it, but I tried and came home from school proudly announcing that from henceforth I was to be known as Haz! Mother quickly denounced that by saying that I would be known as Hasbeen.

      Storm Darcy was mainly over the Eastern Rayboulds, we in the West - Wales, pretty much escaped. At the moment we have blue skies nearly as good as New Zealand's, but not quite - although minus five tonight. Would you mind me mentioning "Older" on the Raybould comms groups? Love your activities by the way. Take care yourselves.

    3. Thanks Harry! Glad to hear all is well in Wales. All fine by us on the 'Older' front regarding a mention, and thank you for checking in :). Julie


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