Are We There Yet, Del? Rakaia to Timaru - 105kms

Up early again and got away at 8.00am. Light wind and weather fine, though a little chilly to start. Our aim was to get to Ashburton as we didn't make it there yesterday.
Arrived in Ashburton early, around 10.00am. After coffee and a yummy muffin in a Robert Harris cafe, we decided to continue on to Temuka. 
We passed endless, flat fields edged with rows of tall wind breaks. Large herds of cows munched placidly. The traffic was fast and very noisy.
We passed a lavender farm, too.

I was beginning to feel a bit saddle sore so we looked out for a handy motel in Temuka.
"No Vacancy" at every one! The 'i' centre advised that the Crusaders rugby team were playing a pre season game that night and all accommodation had been taken. 
That settled it! We'd have to battle on to Timaru.
We stopped for a late lunch on the wayside.
We were both getting weary by now. Del patiently stopped regularly to give me a break from the saddle - my "bum breaks"!

At last we reached Timaru and quickly found the Ashbury Park Motel. We staggered off to nearby PaknSave to get dinner, then collapsed in the comfort of our unit. We did over 100km today!
I may never ever move from this comfy sofa!!


  1. 105km - wow! Are you going to take a day off tomorrow, or keep on pushing ahead? xx

    1. Del wants to get to Oamaru, so I guess we'll be pushing ahead again today, Simon. Probably take a rest there. Xx

  2. Take the sofa with you? Del can pull you..? Well done both, I remember bum ache, but never had it to that degree. Hope today went/goes well.

    1. Pretty much more of the same Harry. Ready for a rest day I think.


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