A Very Long Day! Palmerston to Dunedin - 63kms

Got off to a good start at 7.00am this morning. No rain so far and little wind. Walked a long hill out of Palmerston then enjoyed a good cycle. 
Full of energy, we cycled over the Waikouaiti River and through the town.
Around the 23 kms mark, things changed drastically.

We walked virtually the whole 3 kms, only to find that another 5 kms followed. More walking!
We stopped for coffee and a snack to re-energise at The Spot, a convenience store at Blueskin.
Previous cyclists had suggested that, to get to Dunedin without the heavy traffic, we should head for Port Chalmers and take the cycle path from there into the city.
A good idea, we thought.
Just south of Waitati, we left the highway and took the Blueskin Road. It was quiet with virtually no traffic, but it quickly became steep, winding hills. More walking - in fact - these were the steepest hills we'd come across. 
Eventually, after endless walking, we were rewarded with a great downhill run with breathtaking views of the harbour and Dunedin.
At Port Chalmers we discovered that the cycleway hadn't been built yet. 
The new track began at St. Leonard's.
 It ran alongside the Harbour and took us almost to St Kilda. With the help of Google maps, we found our motel at last, arriving there at 6.00pm!!!
We dragged ourselves to the local Countdown for dinner (Caesar Salad and ham) and stores. 
After dinner we'll 'hit the hay' before we collapse entir- ŹŹZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ!


  1. Wow, what a day! Glad you made it to Dunedin safely. Sending all our love, J&J

    1. Thanks, love. We're both virtually comatose now after a gruelling day. Xx

  2. Love the abstract photo. Those hills keep appearing in the background, and I keep thinking you’re going back that way. Don’t answer, I’m just enjoying the journey as the route unfolds!


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